Last post

Hi! Today I write my last blog, I will make a brief review of my experience in this blog

Let's talk about posts. One of the ones I liked the most to write was talking about my last weekend and my hobbies. I really enjoyed writing these blogs because it's something I really like to do, so I can spend a lot of time talking about those topics.

One of the posts I least enjoyed is the photograph. I don't usually take many photos, so it was difficult for me to find one and talk about its context.

I don't have any blog that I have enjoyed less than another, I enjoyed reading each blog from each partner.

In this blog I learned English so much, I feel that if you talk about a subject that you like, you will learn faster to explain it in different languages because the words are recorded.

What I liked about the blog was that you can design your page however you want, there is no default design so, each person can give it their personal touch and what I didn't like about the blog is the topic of comments, there is no history of the comments you made.

And that's all for this semester. I hope you have enjoyed reading this blog as I enjoyed writing it, is a pleasure to share with you and I hope that one day we can all be in the same class and continue writing in our blogs.

See you soon!


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