The Grammar GameShow

Hi everyone, in this time I will tell you my evaluation of the website BBC Learning,


In this part in this part I did the easy exercise of the general english, It helps a lot to remember the basics of English.


I will comment the Grammar Medium seccion, The Grammar Game Show lesson 1, Present simple and Present Continuous, First I watched the video that teaches you to identify the 2 forms and then there is a little quiz that you can do to test if you learned the first lesson.

The video was fun, it is a funny option to learn english, the 2 participants played en 2 different types of quizzes. The first was to identify the phrase as Present simple or Present continuous and then was a truth of false.


The pronunciation in english It is important to understand what the other person means, since by changing the pronunciation of a letter, the meaning of the word can change.


The Adjectives and adverbs It is a way of understanding the meaning of words to have a better comprehension of what is meant.


Ozone layer improving

It is a very interesting subject, they tell you about its history and explain some difficult words.



The quizzes were very short but they were fun


At the end of the videos appears a summary of everything that was discussed in the video. I consider that good, since, in this way, there isn't need to repeat the video and search for the specific part of the doubt.

Finally, there is a little quiz to evaluate your learning in this lesson. In this part I think there should be more questions, since, in the first place, the questions are about how to use the Present simple and the Present Continuous, but there aren't exercises in which you should apply what you learned. But apart from that, I find that what I used to learn English from this page is fine.


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